Source code for frlearn.trees.data_descriptors

"""Decision tree data descriptors"""
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Callable

from sklearn.ensemble import IsolationForest

from frlearn.base import DataDescriptor

class EIF(DataDescriptor):
    Wrapper for the Extended Isolation Forest (IF) data descriptor [1]_.
    Requires the eif library, which is not automatically installed.
    Expresses the effort required to isolate a query instance from the target data
    by separating instances with random hyperplanes.

    psi : int or (int -> int) = 256
        Sub-sampling size. Number of training instances to use for each random tree.
        Should be either a positive integer,
        or a function that takes the size of the target class and returns such an integer.
        If the size of the target class is a smaller number, that will be used instead.

    t : int = 100
        Number of random trees.

    random_state : int = 0
        Random state to use.

        additional keyword parameters will be passed on as-is to eif's iForest constructor.

    preprocessors : iterable = ()
        Preprocessors to apply.

    Scores are the complement of the anomaly scores in [1]_.
    `psi` and `t` are two hyperparameters that can potentially be tuned,
    but the default values should be good enough [2]_.

    .. [1] `Hariri S, Carrasco Kind M, Brunner RJ (2021).
       Extended Isolation Forest.
       IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, vol 33, no 4, pp 1479–1489.
       doi: 10.1109/TKDE.2019.2947676
    .. [2] `Liu FT, Ting KM, Zhou Z-H (2008).
       Isolation Forest.
       ICDM 2008: Proceedings of the Eighth IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, pp 413–422.
       doi: 10.1109/ICDM.2008.17

    def __init__(
            psi: int | Callable[[int], int] = 256,
            t: int = 100,
            random_state: int = 0,
            import eif
        except ImportError:
            raise ImportError('EIF data descriptor requires the eif library.') from None
        self.psi = psi
        self.t = t
        self.random_state = random_state
        self.eif_params = eif_params

    def _construct(self, X):
        import eif
        model = super()._construct(X)
        model.psi = min(self.psi, X.shape[0])
        model.t = self.t
        model.random_state = self.random_state
        model.forest = eif.iForest(
            ntrees=model.t, sample_size=model.psi, seed=model.random_state,
            ExtensionLevel=X.shape[1] - 1, **self.eif_params
        return model

    class Model(DataDescriptor.Model):

        psi: int
        t: int
        random_state: int
        forest: ...

        def _query(self, X):
            # convert anomaly scores to normality scores
            return 1 - self.forest.compute_paths(X_in=X)

[docs]class IF(DataDescriptor): """ Wrapper for the Isolation Forest (IF) data descriptor [1]_ implemented in scikit-learn. Expresses the effort required to isolate a query instance from the target data by random splits on attribute values. Parameters ---------- psi : int or (int -> int) = 256 Sub-sampling size. Number of training instances to use for each random tree. Should be either a positive integer, or a function that takes the size of the target class and returns such an integer. If the size of the target class is a smaller number, that will be used instead. t : int = 100 Number of random trees. random_state : int = 0 Random state to use. preprocessors : iterable = () Preprocessors to apply. sklearn_params Additional keyword parameters will be passed on as-is to scikit-learn's IsolationForest constructor. Notes ----- Scores are the complement of the anomaly scores in [1]_. `psi` and `t` are two hyperparameters that can potentially be tuned, but the default values should be good enough [1]_. References ---------- .. [1] `Liu FT, Ting KM, Zhou Z-H (2008). Isolation Forest. ICDM 2008: Proceedings of the Eighth IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, pp 413–422. IEEE. doi: 10.1109/ICDM.2008.17 <>`_ """ def __init__( self, psi: int | Callable[[int], int] = 256, t: int = 100, random_state: int = 0, preprocessors=(), **sklearn_params, ): super().__init__(preprocessors=preprocessors) self.psi = psi self.t = t self.random_state = random_state self.sklearn_params = sklearn_params def _construct(self, X): model = super()._construct(X) model.psi = min(self.psi, X.shape[0]) model.t = self.t model.random_state = self.random_state model.forest = IsolationForest( max_samples=model.psi, n_estimators=model.t, random_state=self.random_state, **self.sklearn_params ).fit(X) return model
[docs] class Model(DataDescriptor.Model): psi: int t: int random_state: int forest: IsolationForest def _query(self, X): # map from [-1, 0] to [0, 1] return 1 + self.forest.score_samples(X)