Source code for frlearn.uncategorised.array_functions

"""Utility functions for numpy"""

import numpy as np

__all__ = [
    'div_or', 'first', 'greatest', 'last','least', 'remove_diagonal', 'soft_head', 'soft_max', 'soft_min', 'soft_tail',

def argmax_and_max(a, axis):
    ai = np.argmax(a, axis=axis)
    av = np.squeeze(np.take_along_axis(a, np.expand_dims(ai, axis=axis), axis=axis), axis=axis)
    return ai, av

[docs]def div_or(x: np.array or float, y: np.array or float, fallback: np.array or float = np.nan): """ Divides `x` by `y`, replacing `np.nan` values with `fallback`. Parameters ---------- x: np.array or float Dividend. y: np.array or float Divisor. fallback: np.array or float, default=np.nan Fallback value(s) to substitute for `np.nan` after division. Returns ------- z: np.array Quotient. Notes ----- `x`, `y` and `fallback` should be broadcastable to a single shape. """ with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): z = x / y z = np.where(np.isnan(z), fallback, z) return z
[docs]def first(a, k: int, axis: int = -1): """ Returns the `k` first values of `a` along the specified axis. Parameters ---------- a : ndarray Input array of values. k: int Number of values to return. Should be a positive integer not larger than `a` along `axis`. axis : int, default=-1 The axis along which values are selected. Returns ------- first_along_axis : ndarray An array with the same shape as `a`, with the specified axis reduced according to the value of `k`. """ if k == a.shape[axis]: return a slc = [slice(None)] * len(a.shape) slc[axis] = slice(0, k) return a[tuple(slc)]
[docs]def greatest(a, k: int, axis: int = -1): """ Returns the `k` greatest values of `a` along the specified axis, in order. Parameters ---------- a : ndarray Input array of values. k: int Number of values to return. Should be a positive integer not larger than `a` along `axis`. axis : int, default=-1 The axis along which values are selected. Returns ------- greatest_along_axis : ndarray An array with the same shape as `a`, with the specified axis reduced according to the value of `k`. """ if k == a.shape[axis]: return np.flip(np.sort(a, axis=axis), axis=axis) a = np.partition(a, -k, axis=axis) take_this = np.arange(-k % a.shape[axis], a.shape[axis]) a = np.take(a, take_this, axis=axis) a = np.flip(np.sort(a, axis=axis), axis=axis) return a
[docs]def last(a, k: int, axis: int = -1): """ Returns the `k` last values of `a` along the specified axis, in reverse order. Parameters ---------- a : ndarray Input array of values. k: int Number of values to return. Should be a positive integer not larger than `a` along `axis`. axis : int, default=-1 The axis along which values are selected. Returns ------- last_along_axis : ndarray An array with the same shape as `a`, with the specified axis reduced according to the value of `k`. """ if k == a.shape[axis]: return np.flip(a, axis=axis) slc = [slice(None)] * len(a.shape) slc[axis] = slice(-1, -k - 1, -1) return a[tuple(slc)]
[docs]def least(a, k: int, axis: int = -1): """ Returns the `k` least values of `a` along the specified axis, in order. Parameters ---------- a : ndarray Input array of values. k: int Number of values to return. Should be a positive integer not larger than `a` along `axis`. axis : int, default=-1 The axis along which values are selected. Returns ------- least_along_axis : ndarray An array with the same shape as `a`, with the specified axis reduced according to the value of `k`. """ if k == a.shape[axis]: return np.sort(a, axis=axis) a = np.partition(a, k - 1, axis=axis) take_this = np.arange(k) a = np.take(a, take_this, axis=axis) a = np.sort(a, axis=axis) return a
[docs]def remove_diagonal(a): # TODO: parametrise dimensions """ Remove the diagonal from a square array. Parameters ---------- a: np.array Input array of values. Should have shape `(n, n)`. Returns ------- b: np.array An array of shape `(n, n-1)`, containing the same values as the input array, except for the values in the diagonal. """ return a[~np.eye(a.shape[0], dtype=bool)].reshape(a.shape[0], -1)
[docs]def soft_head(a, weights, k: int or None, axis=-1, type: str = 'arithmetic'): r""" Calculates the soft head of an array. Parameters ---------- a : ndarray Input array of values. weights : (k -> np.array) or None Weights to apply to the `k` selected values. If None, the `k`\ th value is returned. k: int or None Number of initial values from which the soft head is calculated. Should be either a positive integer not larger than `a` along `axis`, or None, which is interpreted as the size of `a` along `axis`. axis : int, default=-1 The axis along which the soft head is calculated. type : str {'arithmetic', 'geometric', 'harmonic', }, default='arithmetic' Determines the type of weighted average. Returns ------- soft_head_along_axis : ndarray An array with the same shape as `a`, with the specified axis removed. If `a` is a 0-d array, a scalar is returned. """ if k is None: k = a.shape[axis] a = first(a, k, axis=axis) return _weighted_mean(a, weights, axis=axis, type=type)
[docs]def soft_max(a, weights, k: int or None, axis=-1, type: str = 'arithmetic'): r""" Calculates the soft maximum of an array. Parameters ---------- a : ndarray Input array of values. weights : (k -> np.array) or None Weights to apply to the `k` selected values. If None, the `k`\ th value is returned. k: int or None Number of greatest values from which the soft maximum is calculated. Should be either a positive integer not larger than `a` along `axis`, or None, which is interpreted as the size of `a` along `axis`. axis : int, default=-1 The axis along which the soft maximum is calculated. type : str {'arithmetic', 'geometric', 'harmonic', }, default='arithmetic' Determines the type of weighted average. Returns ------- soft_max_along_axis : ndarray An array with the same shape as `a`, with the specified axis removed. If `a` is a 0-d array, a scalar is returned. """ if k is None: k = a.shape[axis] a = greatest(a, k, axis=axis) return _weighted_mean(a, weights, axis=axis, type=type)
[docs]def soft_min(a, weights, k: int or None, axis=-1, type: str = 'arithmetic'): r""" Calculates the soft minimum of an array. Parameters ---------- a : ndarray Input array of values. weights : (k -> np.array) or None Weights to apply to the `k` selected values. If None, the `k`\ th value is returned. k: int or None Number of least values from which the soft minimum is calculated. Should be either a positive integer not larger than `a` along `axis`, or None, which is interpreted as the size of `a` along `axis`. axis : int, default=-1 The axis along which the soft minimum is calculated. type : str {'arithmetic', 'geometric', 'harmonic', }, default='arithmetic' Determines the type of weighted average. Returns ------- soft_min_along_axis : ndarray An array with the same shape as `a`, with the specified axis removed. If `a` is a 0-d array, a scalar is returned. """ if k is None: k = a.shape[axis] a = least(a, k, axis=axis) return _weighted_mean(a, weights, axis=axis, type=type)
[docs]def soft_tail(a, weights, k: int or None, axis=-1, type: str = 'arithmetic'): r""" Calculates the soft tail of an array. Parameters ---------- a : ndarray Input array of values. weights : (k -> np.array) or None Weights to apply to the `k` selected values. If None, the `k`\ th value is returned. k: int or None Number of terminal values from which the soft tail is calculated. Should be either a positive integer not larger than `a` along `axis`, or None, which is interpreted as the size of `a` along `axis`. axis : int, default=-1 The axis along which the soft tail is calculated. type : str {'arithmetic', 'geometric', 'harmonic', }, default='arithmetic' Determines the type of weighted average. Returns ------- soft_tail_along_axis : ndarray An array with the same shape as `a`, with the specified axis removed. If `a` is a 0-d array, a scalar is returned. """ if k is None: k = a.shape[axis] a = last(a, k, axis=axis) return _weighted_mean(a, weights, axis=axis, type=type)
def _weighted_mean(a, weights, axis, type): if weights is None: return np.take(a, -1, axis=axis) w = weights(a.shape[axis]) w = np.reshape(w, [-1] + ((len(a.shape) - axis - 1) % len(a.shape)) * [1]) if type == 'arithmetic': return np.sum(w * a, axis=axis) if type == 'geometric': return np.exp(np.sum(w * np.log(a), axis=axis)) if type == 'harmonic': return 1 / np.sum(w / a, axis=axis)